Tuesday, September 1, 2009

bill butler the greatest man on wheels

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A Little Bit of History

June 14, 1979
For Immediate Release:

Just imagine: Wheels on your feet. Smooth, swift quiet wheels whisking you along on a summer evening: rolling you effortlessly through the park: speeding you to work in the morning. It's an experience that a few lucky people have been enjoying for years – and millions more are about to discover. And – with the energy crisis upon us – it's real alternative that many are considering seriously.
Judy Lynn saw it all coming. Rollerskates, of course – but really much more. Technology, developed to meet the demands of the skateboarding craze, had turned full circle. The smooth, quiet precision–bearing wheels that had been created to replace the original rollerskate–nailed-to-a-board had now been used to create the ultimate rollerskate.
With a degree in fine arts and fashion design, Judy Lynn had been variously employed and involved in advertising, design, boutique-ownership, singing and acting, film and theater projects and a health Food store before her interest in yoga and Eastern philosophy captured her attention full time. With a desire to share what she had gained, she'd determined to establish a Consciousness Center on the East Coast.
It was an idea that was transformed in a revelatory flash when in January 1977, as a result of a conversation with her friend Louise Marshall and her love of roller skating, Judy envisioned the Rollerballroom – an ultimate entertainment center featuring skating floors, dance floors, a Health Food store and restaurant, pin ball casino and a room for films. An environment that would bring about a new kind of consciousness, and a new physical experience, great exercise, excitement, fun – dancing on skates!
The vision grew and began to materialize when she and her newfound partner Bob White traveled cross-country to spread the skating message and in November 1977 conceived The Goodskates. Judy envisioned a new world of feet on wheels – people transporting themselves daily and dancing nightly in Rollerballrooms, spinning and gliding to jazz, blues and disco music. Healthier, happier people – even breathing cleaner air.
It was a dream that had to be started somewhere and Judy and Bob started with a skating center in New York's Central Park. A bold first step, and one that would incubate skaters and enable her to begin roller disco parties all over the city. Soon their roller disco parties were the rage and the shows featuring their discovery and skating director Bill Butler were the talk of the town.
Bill Butler had, in a way, already lived the dream. He was born to rollerskating and, in thirty-five years on skates, had shaped the art to his own unique vision. To insiders, her was known as the father – and unsurpassed master – of the incredible combination of rollerskating, disco dancing and rhythm 'n' blues call "Jammin"!
To Judy Lynn, he was the ideal Goodskates Skating Director and he soon became an integral part of her company.
With Bill Butler, other master skaters, and a throng of happy repeat customers, the Goodskates concept began to grow. Soon, The Goodskates Entertainment Company was thrilling audiences in discos and roller rinks all over the country and in Europe. Plans continued for a huge Rollerballroom in Manhattan. Judy and Bill were sought out by the entertainment industry, working as consultants on records, books and films, including the upcoming Roller-disco film "Xanadu", to be released next spring by Universal Studios. Bill Butler's book, "Jammin" was published by Pocket Books.
Today, besides renting more and more skates to more and more enthusiasts, Goodskates represents America's leading group of expert skaters – known, of course, as the Goodskates. They provide skaters and equipment for commercials, promotions, roller disco shows, lessons and skating clinics. The first Goodskates store, opened in New Orleans last January, is the active prototype of many more to be opened throughout the United States.
Recently, Judy Lynn joined forces with Richard Solomon, a California entrepreneur bitten by the pervasive skating bug. "With the addition of Richard to the Goodskates family as my partner and Executive Vice President of Goodskates International" say Judy, "we now have the knowledge and expertise in marketing and merchandising to realize all my plans."
Immediate plans, in addition to the opening late this year of the Rollerballroom, include a cross-country skate marathon sponsored by and outfitted in "colors" of corporations and organizations from all over America, new state-of-the-art roller skates manufactured under the Goodskates license, fashions, accessories and much, much more. "Goodskates" says Mr. Solomon, " will soon emerge as the major force in a new rollerskating industry. New products, educational materials, franchising, live entertainment, films and publishing will all be important aspects of it. It is our intention to maintain Goodskates' position as the leader in this industry for many years to come."
Judy Lynn's dream is, indeed, coming true right now. Happily, we can all enjoy being part of it.